
The letters of damages and the petitions have been delivered to FERC. Please see “additional information”  link for copies of the letters.

Mission Statement of Citizens Action Group  “Save Flathead Lake.com

The Mission of Save Flathead Lake is to act to Save Flathead Lake from being exploited by any special interests that prevents the long established balanced use of the lake for the benefit of all people. To show that the  CSKT Water Compact is a direct result of the water level being low. We pledge to educate the public when future threats are introduced by special interests.

Continue to come back as we are always looking for related topics to put on the Additional Information link.

Please share with your friends.


FERC Petition to support a request to FERC to audit and investigate the operation of Kerr Dam/SQK Project P-005 during the months of May-June 2023 by Energy Keepers, Inc., the operator of the dam.

Record Damages

Get Information about how to document your damages and voice your concerns about what is going on with OUR LAKE!

Save Flathead Lake

Thank you for visiting Save Flathead Lake. This site is going to be constantly evolving to keep you up to date on information we receive or others pass on to us. Our goal is to make this information as factual as can be. Please check the Additional Information link for any and all articles that we find.

Also, we have received numerous Report Damages through the link. Please tell your friends and neighbors . This information will be gathered, and sent to the appropriate people/agencies, names withheld of the people filing the report if they so desire, as soon as we get information.

Please fill out the petition as this will help with making sure this never happens again.

Here is a link to the meeting we held in Kalispell for those that could not attend.


Record Damages