Damage Survey Instructions

Warning this is for 2023 Damages Only

Please read the survey instructions carefully before proceeding to filling out the survey!

First of all – thank you for taking the time to fill out the updated damages survey – the data collection is critical to our fight!

Please note 8 separate categories in this survey.  Please fill in your concise/specific details for each category applicable to your situation. There is a maximum of 250 characters per line item, so it is important to be as specific as possible please!

An individual may have details/data in more than one of the categories!  Do not include financial details here as there is a separate section for financial damages below.

All Financial damages must be recorded in the Financial Damages section below according to the sub-categories listed and should correspond to the details in the sections that are documented above.

Damage report examples:

Agriculture – lost 2 cuttings of alfalfa due to lack of water – about 1000 bales per cutting

Financial under agriculture – 1000 bales is estimated to be a loss of $10,000

Bodily injury – son fell and hit his head while attempting to get into the boat since the ladder no longer reaches due to low water levels.  Taken by ambulance to the hospital, numerous tests, hospital stays, surgery etc

Financial under bodily injury – Total costs for son’s medical bills is $110,000 of which. $95,000 was paid by insurance – we owe the additional $15,000


All of your personal information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be used or divulged in any way to anyone.  The information is for our own use in the event we need to contact you about your damages information.

If you know of someone who did not receive this survey but experienced damages, please send them to this page: here is the URL:


Please send all related damage pictures to: contactus@saveflatheadlake.com